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Friday, 26 June 2020

Tritely Challenged Volume 2 Book Launch!

I have to say, Christopher Fielden's writing challenges are good fun and excellent writing exercises for aspiring writers. I say that not just because Chris has a gun jammed against my temple, but because it's true.

I've taken part in a few of these challenges (you can find links to the challenges here) and I have really enjoyed coming up with limited-word stories to meet the challenge criteria, and I think it has helped my writing too.

27th June 2020 sees the launch of Tritely Challenged volume 2, which includes a short story by yours truly entitled "Time Flies When The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease".

The idea of this writing challenge was to add as many clichés in to a short story with a maximum of 150 words. Not very easy, especially as writers try to avoid clichés! Given the concise nature of the stories they are well written, cleverly put composed and some are quite humorous too.

 The book is crammed-full of 100 bite-sized stories - as book clichés goes, it is something to really sink your teeth in to! As they say, You can't judge this book by its cover, but as I'm in the book then I judge it to be worthy of your pounds and pennies. Oh, and money from the sales go to charity too.

 If you fancy giving one of Chris' challenges a go, head over to his website. Here's a link to the Cliché challenge page, where you can find out more about Tritely Challenged Volume 2!


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