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MaJaTo Scribes Explained

This may be the first bit of text you read on this blog, so I'd better make it good.  Perhaps I should start with a joke about writing. ...

Friday, 14 September 2018

If I observe You From My Window

If I observe you from my window,
It's because you're passing by.

For that fleeting moment,
My attention you can hold.
I don't wish to observe further,
And watch your life unfold.

If I observe you from my window,
Something about you caught my eye.

It could be the weather,
Whether you are holding a brolly,
Or getting soaked in foolish folly,
I snigger at this story untold.

If I observe you from my window,
Suspicious over what you might try.

Are you casing the joint,
With your wandering eyes?
If our eyes should meet,
Will you see my look of surprise?

If I observe you from my window,
It's because you've passed me by.

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