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MaJaTo Scribes Explained

This may be the first bit of text you read on this blog, so I'd better make it good.  Perhaps I should start with a joke about writing. ...

Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Chimple

The Chimple

"Why is that Chimpanzee called The Chimple”?
Asked the girl, her nose obscured by a pimple.
“Why my dear it is so very simple,”
Replied her Grandfather, his mind still nimble.
“You see, The Chimple swing in a rope tyre thing
And The Chimple dance, jiggle and prance.
If you can call it song, The Chimple sing.
The Chimple try anything once, given chance.

The Chimple eat bananas all day long.
Watched by a crowd, The Chimple do no wrong.
Throw a party and The Chimple drink tea
And in a funny hat The Chimple look like me!”
“Ah I see” said The Chimple watching Girl.
Yet thoughts of The Chimple made her head swirl.
“But how will I recall what The Chimple do?
I’d like to know, so please tell me so,
Because he’s my highlight in the zoo”
Well, the name of The Chimple is quite clear,
So remember this simple rule, my dear.
Swing, dance, jiggle, prance, sing song once then cheer.
Banana, part-tea, funny hat, The Chimple do all year!”

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