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MaJaTo Scribes Explained

This may be the first bit of text you read on this blog, so I'd better make it good.  Perhaps I should start with a joke about writing. ...

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Change of plans!

Yep - I've posted this on all my blogs at the same time so that you know the position:-
I've decided going forward that the "TCM Mark's blog" should just be for stuff related to the Total Client Marketing website and my other websites, plus any related internet stuff.
"MaJaTo (MaJaTo scribes)" is still intended to be for my writing, though I've decided to make that by invite only. So, if you want to get access please get in touch.
"Original MaJaTo" is now going to be turned into my personal blog post - the place where I rant and rave, and go all gooey about my kids.
Finally, I'm going to be starting another blog too - titled "Neutral Me" - This is intended to be about my investigations into being Carbon Neutral, particularly about offsetting the effects of next years holiday to Florida, plus I'll be posting about
alternative fuels etc and general tips on going green.
So,that's it in general -4 blogs, and a bunch of websites to boot. Not sure how I'll fit in a job, looking after wife, 2 kids, house, rabbit, fish etc!

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